Felines Grillcup 2019


The Felines Grill Cup 2019 is a small cup organized by Habasch with help of his girlfriend, Konfetti and some Swiss Players. It was an offline event at Habaschs' home. Many Swiss Rocket League Community Players were invited to it. It took place the 24th of august 2019.


First it was meant to be a chill afternoon where the Swiss Rocket League Community would meet and grill together. Some weeks before the event took place, we were informed, that there will be a small cup with random teams. Every week from then on, a new roster was revealed. It was pretty funny to see those weird lineups, because everyone was shuffled into a random team and they had to play with players, they maybe didn't even know before. I was shuffled into a roster with Hopfensmoothie and Minus. Two players that played in the Swiss Rocket League Scene from the start on. I was happy with my roster and for me the main goal was to have fun at the event.

Picture of revealed lineup

The day came and everyone started their way to Habaschs home. It was a long and pretty funny afternoon because everyone was in a good mood. We played the tournament in a spare room, watched the stream in the living room, ate some food in the garden and talked to the other players. It was hilarious to play with those weird lineups, because no one really felt bad for losing against the other team. Everyone was laughing and had a good time, which makes me really happy. My team made it into the finals, but we lost against a very strong performance from Rivela, Paella and Jokuur.

Picture of the winner team

Aroleys Birthday

I was very surprised, as I heard that one of the players birthday was today. Habasch organized a Birthday Cake and everyone that was there was singing Happy Birthday for him. It was a very heartwarming moment and it really touched me. It's just amazing to see what kind of impact you can have if you are a community that accepts each other and works together.

Picture of Aroley and me

My Thanks

I wanted to say thank you again to the organizer Habasch. He put a lot of work into it and everything worked out. Big thanks to Habaschs girlfriend, that let so many people in her house and was there to make everyone feel welcome. Konfetti was the man for all the graphics and designs. He put in a lot of work for nothing in return. This is something I really respect. Overall I want to thank everyone that came to the event to make it the most fun possible. The Swiss Rocket League Community is great and I love to be a part of it.


Special thanks to Konfetti and SR Glattbrugg. Konfetti sponsored with help from SR Glattbrugg a big trophy and some medals. I really appreciate the value he puts into the Swiss Rocket League Scene.

Minus & Konfetti Picture of Minus and Konfetti
My team and the organizer Habasch Picture of my team and Habasch
The caster couch Picture
Everyone Picture